Green Monday

Green Monday

Green Monday is a shopping event that is quite similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. However, this event falls in December dubbing it a last-minute discounted online shopping spree before Christmas Day.

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Green Monday Definition and Meaning

Green Monday is a retail event that allows shoppers to grab discounted items so their orders may arrive just in time for the Christmas holidays.

Green Monday deals are only available and for sale online and are promoted by big online retail companies such as Amazon and Target.

When Is Green Monday?

Green Monday as its name suggest falls on the second Monday of December, thus its exact date changes every year. The reason why this e-commerce event is said to fall on the second Monday of December is that retailers noticed that people tend to do some last-minute online shopping during this period.

Green Monday History

Green Monday was launched back in 2007 by eBay who claimed to have christened this holiday after noticing the increase in online sales. This event is relatively new, however, a lot of online businesses make their profit during Green Monday and the term green is coined from the color of dollars or money and the fact that online shopping is considered an eco-friendly activity.

Green Monday Purpose, Importance

Christmas time is a season of gift-giving and a lot of shopping thus Green Monday offers shoppers a chance to grab items from the comfort of their own homes without the need of rushing through physical stores which can be quite stressful, especially with a crowd of people.

Convenient Way to Shop Online

Nowadays a lot of people prefer shopping online thus this gives retailers an opportunity to follow through this and offer a big online sale. And what better time to do so is before Christmas time when people are up and about shopping and looking for great deals? Riding on this trend is Green Monday which is an ideal time to launch one-time deals, offer discounts, and other promotions.

Discounts and Promotion

Major holidays such as Christmas are always the best times to offer discounts and promotions. Thus Green Monday is a convenient time to launch a major online event that will catch people’s attention. And it is perfect for those who need to do some last-minute online shopping to get their presents ready for the holidays.


It is said that e-commerce or online shopping has lessened energy consumption and releases fewer carbon emissions. This is why a lot of businesses prefer selling online aside from its convenience they too are able to find another outlet to sell their products and services. And customers do not need to go through the hassle of commuting or driving to physical stores.

What’s On Green Monday?

On Green Monday expect a lot of online businesses to rack up their marketing and promotions on items on sale. You’ll find websites and other online platforms offering coupons and discounts on certain products and because of that a lot of people will be online waiting for these deals so expect some items to sell out. Shoppers should be quick to decide so they can grab items before losing them to other shoppers.

How To Create Green Monday on Social Media

Social media is one of the best platforms retailers can use to advertise and post any upcoming events, special deals, and discounts for Green Monday. Craft a poster or write down a message with the help of these well-designed Green Monday Templates.


1. Select a Green Monday FB Post template.

select a green monday fb post template

Choose a Green Monday FB post template that will work well for this event. On the right side of the screen click on Edit the Template Free to start editing.

2. Add a Brand or Company Logo.

add a brand or company logo

For retailers advertising their shops and items on Green Monday is essential so it is important to include the brand or company logo in the template. Simply click on the Logo icon located on the blue panel that is on the left side of the screen. Ensure that the file size should not exceed 5MB.

3. Incorporate Graphics to attract more customers.

incorporate graphics to attract more customers

Customers are attracted to visuals with glitter or eye-catching images and this works well for those who intend to invite clients to look around and shop on their websites. To do this, click on the Graphics icon, use the text box if looking for a specific image or photo or make use of the available stock images.

4. Add instructions to the template.

add instructions to the template

If offering a special deal or cash back for Green Monday, then it is important to let customers know what they should do to avail of such a promotion. To do all this, click on the Text icon and write down the message in the available text box.

5. Time to save the template.

time to save the template

Make sure all is well and complete and after editing don’t forget to save the template. Click on the three-dotted icon on the upper right side and from the drop-down menu select save.


1. Select a Green Monday Instagram Post template.

select a green monday instagram post template

Anyone can use Instagram not just for personal profile updates but as an avenue to advertise and collect information. So after selecting a Green Monday Instagram post template, click on the image to start editing.

2. Send a reminder.

send a reminder

Create a reminder using this template to let everyone know that Green Monday is just around the corner. Add this statement or perhaps edit the pre-written message on the template. Just click on the Fill icon and from there you can change or add new words.

3. Change the Background Image or Color.

change the background image or color

To create a vintage look or perhaps add a splash of summer vibes for those selling swimwear then it is imperative to change the background design. By selecting the Background icon on the side blue panel you can search for specific background designs by typing the keyword into the text box.

4. Add a schedule or list of items to the template.

add a schedule or list of items to the template

Food service establishments that are joining the Green Monday event can update their menu by providing a schedule or a list of items on the template. To do this, click on the Tables icon and select a design that will fit your requirement.

5. Save and upload the template on Instagram.

save and upload the template on instagram

Check the template and if everything is all good, it’s time to save and download the file. The download icon is located right beside the three-dotted icon.


1. Choose a Green Monday WhatsApp Post template.

choose a green monday whatsapp post template

Select a Green Monday WhatsApp post that you can use to update anyone who is on this platform. After that, click on Edit the Template Free to be redirected to the editor tool.

2. Enhance the template with the clipart or animated images.

enhance the template with the clipart or animated images

Attract viewers and readers by incorporating beautiful design images into the template. By selecting the graphics icon, a wide selection of stock images such as stickers, illustrations, photos, and videos are available to fit anyone’s requirements.

3. Add a dramatic tagline.

add a dramatic tagline

Entice old and new customers to support your online store by adding a tagline that will pique their interest. Write all this down by selecting the Text icon and changing the font style and size to ensure everyone will be able to read the message.

4. Upload a personal image or file.

upload a personal image or file

Click on the Uploads icon to upload a personal image, video, or audio. Just take note that the maximum file is only 5 MB.

5. Share the template on WhatsApp.

share the template on whatsapp

The last step is to save the template, you also have the option to print it out in case you need a printed copy for advertisement and promotion. Afterwhich don’t forget to share your post on WhatsApp during Green Monday.

Green Monday Vs. Cyber Monday

Green Monday is an online retail sale event that falls on the second Monday of December, thus giving last-minute shoppers time to order their items before the holidays.

Cyber Monday on the other hand is also a similar online retail sale event that falls instead on the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Green Monday Ideas and Examples

Retailers and business establishments benefit the most during Green Monday since this big e-commerce event tends to draw a lot of customers. So the best option to spread the news is by organizing well-crafted marketing paraphernalia that entice customers to shop.

Green Monday Clipart Vector Ideas and Examples

This Green Monday Clipart Vector will make great design icons that a retailer can use to promote a clothing line that will be on sale on Green Monday.

green monday clipart vector ideas and examples

Green Monday Drawing Vector Ideas and Examples

Establishments can post this Green Monday Drawing Vector sign on their websites to announce to their clients that they have items for sale on Green Monday.

green monday drawing vector ideas and examples

Green Monday Quote Vector Ideas and Examples

Share this delightful Green Monday Quote Vector with fellow shoppers to remind them to shop during Green Monday.

green monday quote vector ideas and examples

Green Monday Vector Ideas and Examples

This Green Monday Vector design makes an ideal promotional tool that retailers can use as a logo for their posters or flyers during this e-commerce event.

green monday vector ideas and examples

Happy Green Monday Illustration Ideas and Examples

This Happy Green Monday Illustration is great for those who intend to remind their customers it’s Green Monday and invite others to check their shopping websites.

happy green monday illustration ideas and examples

Green Monday Cartoon Vector Ideas and Examples

Use this Green Monday Cartoon Vector to design newsletters that are sent via email to let subscribers know that your company is offering special deals and discounts on Green Monday.

green monday cartoon vector ideas and examples

Green Monday Banner Ideas and Examples

This Green Monday Banner can be uploaded on YouTube, Facebook or any blogs as a way to advertise and promote one’s company during Green Monday.

green monday banner ideas and examples

Green Monday Background Ideas and Examples

This Green Monday Background makes a great backdrop for flyers and posters for retailers such as plant-based companies who wish to print out their advertising materials.

green monday background ideas and examples

Green Monday Flyer Vector Ideas and Examples

What’s great about this Green Monday Flyer Vector is that it can be manually distributed or posted online on various social media websites and blogs.

green monday flyer vector ideas and examples

Green Monday Poster Vector Ideas and Examples

This beautifully designed Green Monday Poster Vector is sure to capture a buyer’s attention and be customized to include other important details regarding the upcoming sale event.

green monday poster vector ideas and examples

Green Monday FAQs

Why do we celebrate Green Monday?

Green Monday is celebrated as a way to give shoppers a chance to buy their items online and have these delivered into their doorstep before Christmas Day.

How do people celebrate Green Monday?

People celebrate Green Monday by shopping online for discounted items.

Is Green Monday Online Only?

Yes, Green Monday is an online event.

Why do they call it Green Monday?

It is called Green Monday for two reasons which is the word green is associated with dollars/money which is abundant during this event and another reason is that online shopping is considered an eco-friendly activity.

How long does Green Monday last?

Green Monday lasts for 24 hours.

What are the facts of Green Monday?

Some notable facts regarding Green Monday are that it is said to be established by eBay and is a relatively new online sales event, and the event falls on the 2nd Monday of December giving ample time for people to complete their Christmas shopping list.

Is Green Monday still a thing?

Green Monday is still widely hosted by a group of e-commerce retailers as a lot of people tend and prefer shopping online because of its convenience.

What do we do on Green Monday?

During Green Monday if you are a shopper, then it’s best to start checking off your shopping list by purchasing items in your favorite online stores, and for retailers, this is the chance to put items on sale that will encourage customers to buy.

Who celebrates Green Monday?

Online retailers, businesses establishment, and customers all celebrate Green Monday.

Does Amazon do Green Monday?

Yes, Amazon supports Green Monday and it’s one of the most popular online shopping platforms during this event.

What is the theme of Green Monday?

There is no known theme for Green Monday, but as its name suggest expect marketing and promotional materials to have a shade of green.

When did green Monday start?

Green Monday was launched in 2007.

Why is Green Monday religious?

Aside from an e-commerce event, Green Monday for other cultures is referred as the first day of Lent in Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions and beliefs.

Is Green Monday a public holiday?

For other countries like Cyprus, it is considered a public holiday..

Who participates in Green Monday?

Anyone company that has online stores or websites can participate in Green Monday.

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