Lecturer Resume & Writing Guide | +18 Free Examples | 2020

When seeking a position as a lecturer, reviewing Lecturer Resume Samples is an excellent idea to help you craft your own unique resume document.

Our Lecturer resume guideline below aims to equip you with all the required skills to create a top-notch resume and provide a foot in the ‘’interview’’ door at Universities and Colleges.

University Professor resumes are reviewed by recruiters, university administrators, and academic professionals which means you need to cater to three types of ‘’hiring audiences” with a cv that stands out, contains sufficient information but is also entertaining to read.

The job of a Lecturer in a nutshell: An academic expert that is hired to teach students at universities, colleges, and institutions on a full or part-time basis.

How to create an interview-winning document, we will explain to you in detail below.

University Lecturer Resume Examples

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Yale Professor on Basics of Academic CV’s

The Lecturer Resume Writing Guide

1. Resume Sections

1. Contact Information:

  • First name, last name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • LinkedIn (optional)

2. Career Summary:
A career summary has one purpose…to hook the reader and reel them in to review your entire resume. To do that, provide the most relevant information to the job and of course how you fit into the role first, all summarized in 3-6 sentences.

A little tip: most people do not write career summaries, which means that if you have one, the battle is already half-way won to get the hiring manager to read through your entire resume.

What to include: a broad overview of your background, years of teaching/lecturing/instructing experience, highest qualifications and educational setting.

3. Qualifications Summary:
A Masters Degree is the minimum requirement to obtain a Lecturer position, and more often than not Doctorate Degrees are also required especially for so-called specialized instruction programs.

Provide details regarding all your degrees completed, GPA score, duration of attendance, institution the qualification was attained at and also information regarding significant subjects, and course curriculums.

University lecturers are also required to do research and write articles for academic journals, so be sure to include these particulars too.

4. Relevant Teaching Experience:
Whether you opt for a functional or reverse chronological resume format is up to you. Relevant working history regarding teaching, lecturing, or instructing should be listed for the last ten years by date, employer, job title and 5-10 bulleted job duties.

For career history exceeding ten years use a table format stating the duration of employment, position, and company to avoid gaps in your resume.

5. Other Employment Experience:
If you are applying for your first Lecturing role you may not have sufficient formal sector employment experience to fill up a two-pager resume. It is advisable to include then your internships, project roles and other employment experiences such as part time and vocational gigs, to show off your career progression into the role that you currently occupy.

You need to present your teaching and tutoring experience gained unofficially perhaps while still studying or weekend and summer jobs.

6. Skills Summary/Key Skills:
Are you able to present, teach, instruct, research, grade, get the point across? Incorporate keywords from the job advertisement into your skills section, to the point of using those exact phrases and terminologies.

This strategy is referred to as Resume SEO and will help you to pass the screening bots and applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Don’t forget the softs skills and interpersonal traits either, as hiring managers are always on the lookout for well-rounded candidates from both a technical and personality perspective.

7. Education/Licenses/Certifications/Relevant Coursework/Training:
Some positions may require licensing, and certification, as prescribed by the educational regulatory compliance aspects required by the state the position is located in. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is also part of a Lecturer’s academic journey and any courses, accreditations or memberships you have completed will boost credibility and show employers that you are prioritizing continuous learning to progress in your career.

What to Highlight in a Professor Resume

Lecturers teach post-secondary learners at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels in universities colleges and other educational institutions, which may also include jobs in industry or corporate learning and development.

Regardless of your teaching or lecturing experience gained in the past, there are a few fundamental aspects to highlight in your Lecturer Resume that Hiring Managers and Recruiters would need to know about off the bat.

The first aspect to highlight is the type of lecturing or teaching experience you have gained. In the section below, we have categorized them for you:

  • Corporate Lecturing:
    Companies and enterprises often hire subject matter experts to teach and instruct their employees. If you are employed by a banking group’s graduate academy or have consulting projects for companies in a specific subject matter area (for example leadership), you are most probably a Corporate Lecturer. An MBA is often a requirement in this field.
  • Industry Lecturing:
    The business environment is filled with regulatory bodies, industry accreditation institutions and licensing facilities where employees would attend classes, participate in workshops, complete short courses, or even online training programs with the aim to attain accreditation, certification or licensing.

    These allow them to work in a specific field, or progress further in their lecturing careers. Think of an artisan for instance, who needs to attain accreditation in Health & Safety to work in the construction industry.

  • Research Lecturing:
    An emerging alternative at the moment is lecturing professors being full time employed by research institutions for instance, pharmaceutical, biomedical or engineering, where you would be working with a team to conduct research on groundbreaking solutions to pertinent issues like perhaps treating cancer, alternative power generating methods, or how to survive on Mars even.

Next on your resume is your level and scope of work. Have a look at these scenario examples:

  • Are you working full-time teaching statistics for undergraduates, graduates or postgraduates at a University?
  • Maybe you are teaching a variety of subjects let’s say all related to business (marketing, accounting, economics) to a specific level of students (only undergraduate or postgraduate)?
  • Is your employer a publicly owned college where you are instructing associate degree learners, but on a part-time basis in the evenings while you still hold a permanent job elsewhere?
  • Alternatively, a typical trend in the lecturing field, especially for those on sabbatical to write research papers for journals would be ad hoc consulting projects to either stand-in for a lecturer on leave or be employed by educational institutions at certain times of the year, on 2-6 months lecturing assignments.
  • You may also be an exchange professor sent by your university to a university in another country to impart with expert knowledge to those students. In some institutions, these lecturers are called distinguished lecturers or an emeritus professor.

Another vital part is, of course, is your subject matter expertise. Take statistics for example. It would be best if you mentioned the areas in the field of statistics that you can lecture in for example probability theory, research methodology, mathematical statistics or calculus. The same goes for financial degree disciplines: some Lecturers are adept at teaching financial accounting, managerial accounting, and internal auditing, where others would focus on just one area within the accounting discipline. Be specific as to your subject matter expertise (but without writing a dissertation).

Next, define the purpose of your role. After the career summary, potential employers would skip straight to the experience section in your resume. When compiling job duties, the focus is on ‘’show’’ rather than tell. The ‘’telling’’ part is a mere statement: “Teach Mathematics for undergraduate students”. Turn this into a show like this: “Lecture 50 3rd year mathematics undergraduates in mathematical subject themes such as algebra, calculus, and geometry”. Leave the fluffy sentences for your research proposal and keep job duties, short but impactful providing a concrete example to each activity in the job description.

* Resume Hack: Ad hoc points to add to boost your credibility could be the number of articles, academic papers, or white papers you have written this far during your lecturing career. You may have been invited as a subject matter expert or keynote speaker at conferences and industry events so feel free to mention these too. Gone are the days where lecturers would stand in front of a blackboard (or green board) with a piece of chalk in their hands. A lecturer in the fourth industrial revolution requires extensive adeptness in digital tools and tech (more on this in our skills section later on).

Lecturer Career Summary & Examples

A Lecturer’s Career Summary should be the teaser or appetizer to the rest of the resume. Remember that potential employers spend only six seconds skimming through a resume. That is indeed a very short time to get the point across that you are a right fit for the role. The only way of grabbing their attention quickly, is via an exemplary summary containing 2-3 sentences highlighting your unique skills achievement and experiences.

* Cool Tip: Write your career summary last, after you have finished the rest of your resume document. Highlight the paragraph in bold, center the format and place just below your name and personal particulars at the top of the resume.

If you follow this simple process, writing a career summary will become much easier going forward. Remember to customize each summary for the role you are applying to.

  • Step 1: Mention your professional title in the first sentence, together with total years of experience.
  • Step 2: Have a look at the job description and pick the two most important skills/requirements. Now go and find those on your resume in the job description section, and write an action statement using those exact words and emphasize them with previous accomplishments. Think about the value of these skills sets to the employer and weave them into your statements.
  • Step 3: All about qualifications and credentials, mention your top two and if you attained a very high GPA score or achieved cum laude status, add these to the sentence as well.
  • Step 4: Read, read, and read again. Is your grammar perfect? How about spelling, sentence construction and punctuation? If there is a “me, myself, and I” in there, remove and rewrite the summary in the third person.

Examples career summaries for Lecturers:

Lecturer Summary Sample 1

Highly committed Senior Lecturer with over a decade of experience in teaching MBA students at Henley, Harvard, and Leeds universities. A subject matter expert in Leadership Development studies with numerous articles written for the Harvard Business Review and online business publications such as Fast Company and Business Insider. Spent two years in Africa lecturing Masters Students in Research Methodology and Research Statistics respectively. Holds Doctorate Degrees in both International Business Management as well as Advanced Leadership studies.

Lecturer Example Summary 2

Enthusiastic Junior Lecturer with a passion for creating stimulating, interactive learning environments by using tech innovation for cloud-based platform teaching and telematics in the classroom. Ability to inspire and motivate students reflected by a 30% increase in academic scores during the year. Excellent communicator and highly adept at public speaking and presenting in auditorium settings. Holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and is also a Microsoft Certified Educator.

Lecturer Example Summary 3

Accomplished and highly acclaimed Research Lecturer currently spearheading a stem cell research project for a Biomedical Fortune 500 company. Competent at facilitating research projects within designated time frames and a superb academic writer with other 65 articles published in the last three years.  Attained a Ph.D. in Bio-Medical Engineering with a Summa Cum Laude result and awarded the Top Research Innovator Accolade for Harvard University in 2022.

Lecturer Job Descriptions & Responsibilities Examples

A University Dean, College Administration Head, or Industry Training Director would expect to see certain fundamental skills and job tasks in a lecturing professional’s resume. Below are a few examples of professor roles in various educational settings and with different ranks.

An Associate Lecturer (University) may:

  • Instruct students at undergraduate and graduate level in English Language and Literature
  • Collaborate with faculty staff to tweak and adjust course curriculums
  • Oversee the posting and grading of 20 assignments per student each year for a class of 60 students
  • Present four lectures per day alongside the English Professor
  • Assist in keeping classes orderly and facilitate the smooth running of talks by setting up equipment, distributing notes and organizing questions and answer sessions
  • Set up distance learning technologies for live-streaming for remote students and post video copies of lectures onto YouTube daily
  • Compile quizzes, tests, and projects for grading and knowledge testing purposes
  • Outline lesson plans quarterly to be approved by the faculty dean
  • Collaborate with professors, class representatives and curriculum designers to brainstorm improvement strategies that may boost academic performance

A Lecturer in a College Environment may:

  • Teach Spanish and Italian to Associate Degree students of European Languages
  • Prepare learning materials for all Italian and Spanish degree curriculums as well as short courses and refresher programs
  • Assess and grade students with weekly tests and quarterly practical and written examinations
  • Participate in student selection and interviewing during the annual application period
  • Involve in course team activities, lesson planning and out of class practicals where students are expected to communicate in Spanish and Italian in real-life settings outside of the classroom environment
  • Apply for external bursaries for scholarship students as well as grants for the European Languages Faculty
  • Adhere to the National Standards Foreign Language rules and guidelines

An Industry Lecturer may:

  • Tasked with lecturing students at the Air Traffic Control Academy of the Civil Aviation Authority
  • Create lesson plans for theoretical instruction, as well as role simulation sessions for practical learning
  • Write regular reports regarding the progress of student’s practical ability
  • Designed all examinations, tests, and quizzes for grading and evaluating purposes
  • Collaborate with other Air Traffic Control Academies out of states regarding best practices to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical competencies of students
  • Adhere to all compliance requirements and guidelines in the instruction and evaluation of students as prescribed by the Civil Aviation Authority
  • Schedule extra simulation sessions for students that need special attention in particular subject areas such as meteorology of mathematical calculations

A Lecturer’s Assistant or Adjunct Professor may:

  • Conduct initial research and drafts for lesson plans and course curriculums
  • Responsible for maintaining class syllabus, assignment logs and supplementary theoretical and revision materials
  • Analyze academic progress and performance metrics of students to identify learners that would need extra tutoring
  • Collaborate with class representatives and tutors regularly to discuss exam preparation, student progress and also the organization of faculty events
  • Prepare learning venues beforehand, ensuring all tools and tech are in working order and ready for use by the senior lecturer
  • Participate in bi-monthly meetings to discuss departmental targets and upcoming events such as tests

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Highlight Your Accomplishments

Managers want to see measurable results on your resume; hence, the saying a number is worth a thousand words. Use quantification to amplify the impact of your accomplishments statements. How many students do you lecture? If you have been instrumental in improving academic performance, what was the value of the improvement? Creating course curriculums: on which subject area? How many per year?

Your goal is to present those aspects of your experience and unique skills that differentiate you from the rest of the candidates applying to the role. Accolades, endorsements, and recommendations from peers, industry experts, and even previous students may also be sprinkled through your accomplishment statement section.

Use the cause of an effective method when drafting accomplishment statements. What happened (the effect), and how were you involved in that outcome (the object). Leave the flowery language and do not use too many descriptive adjectives and always back up any action verb (increased, improved, reduced) with concrete facts and numbers.

Time to review a few examples of Lecturer accomplishment statements:

  • Published 16 peer-reviewed articles in a period of 12 months, resulting in a winning research grant from a private investor which was used to upgrade the laboratories
  • Instruct students in a range of courses within the mathematical discipline with an average student count of 150 per class, and also implemented weekend classes for remote students, resulting in admissions growing by 15 percent for the year
  • Achieved a 4.9 out of 5 student review ranking consistently for the last three years, which resulted in 2 promotions from Lecturing Assistant to Associate Lecturer, and then becoming the youngest Lecturer in the faculty in recent years
  • Instrumental in reducing student class participation costs by 45% because of traveling expenses by introducing a virtual technology-based learning platform

Lecturer Education Section Example

The education section counts heavily towards your chances of being shortlisted for a Lecturer role. Employers, professors, and recruiters would want to know the degrees you have completed, your academic performance, subject matter details, and also the courses and accreditations you have under the belt.

Remember to include current qualifications you are in the process of completing too. Regarding accreditations courses and certifications apply discretion and merit in your decision to include them in your resume or not.

Example of a Lecturer Resume Education section:

Degrees & Certifications:

Current – Ph.D. in Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

  • Dissertation: Social Justice in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Dissertation Advisors: Sally Hampton Ph.D., Will Andersen, Ph.D.

2012-2015 M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction Technologies for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Concordia University, Portland, MA

  • Thesis: Communication Skills Improvement in Children with Learning Disabilities
  • Thesis Advisor: Jennifer Watkins, Ph.D.


2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, St John’s Hospital, 2016-2018

  • Conducted comprehensive psycho-diagnostic and neurological evaluations and assessments for a target group of 3-6-year-olds with various severities of learning disabilities


South, T., and Small, J. (2017). “Technology and Classroom Learning in a Digitized Environment.” Journal of Children’s Psychology, vol. 14.


South, John (2016). “The Behavior of Learning Disabled Elementary School Children in the Classroom.” Paper presented at the Early Childhood Psychology Conference at the University of North Carolina.

Grants & Fellowships:

RDB Grant (University of Missouri Research Grant, 2018)
Workshop Grant (for Psychology Today meeting in Seattle, 2016)

Awards & Accolades:

Teaching Fellow of the Year, 2019
Golden Key Honor Society Academic Excellence Award, 2015

Professional Memberships

Psychology Association of America
National Association of Early Childhood Development Psychology

How to Write the Lecturer Skills Section

Lecturers need a combination of technical skills (subject matter expertise, curriculum design, evaluation), and interpersonal skills (presentation, leadership communication), to perform their jobs successfully. Coupled with these come tools and tech adeptness to stay on par with digital and technology innovation.

The best way to present your personal traits, competencies, and unique personality features will be via the use of a Skills Matrix approach.

Refrain from merely jotting down a list of generic skills you found on a few google jobs. Have a look at the job advertisement and align those skills and technical requirements with your own.

A well-crafted skills section will indicate to the hiring manager that you are a potential hire that will fit in with the institution, has the adequate expertise to impart with knowledge, and the ability to motivate and inspire learners.

Technical Skills

Curriculum DesignDigital Education TrendsEducational Copyright Knowledge
Lesson PlanningSubject Matter ExpertiseVideo Conferencing
Target SettingElectronic Presentation SkillsCyber Security Knowledge
Remedial WorkElectronic File ManagementDatabase Maintenance
Classroom ManagementGrantsFaculty Evaluation
Monitoring and Progress EvaluationResearch PapersInstructional Design
Grading PapersQuality AssuranceEducational Assessments
Setting ExamsTeaching StrategiesVirtual Education

Soft Skills

PatientPresentationSupervisory and Management
Detail OrientatedCritical ThinkingCollaborative
PlanningProblem SolvingCoaching & Leadership
Time ManagementRealisticTrustworthy
CreativeDeadline DrivenDedicated

Tools & Tech Skills

Google AppsSlackWorkday
BlackBoardTrelloMs Excel
MS PowerPointSkypeMS Access
ZoomGoogle WorkflowClass Kit
Zoho CreatorZoomHubs Boost
CanvasClassbuilderMicrosoft Surface
Digital WhiteboardsYouTube EDUClassroom 2.0

Qualifications/Certifications associated with Lecturers

P.HD (Various Disciplines)Master’s in Business AdministrationDiploma in Education Management
PTLLS: Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong SectorPraxis Content KnowledgeNBPTS Certification: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Microsoft Certified EducatorPraxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT)Certificate in Curriculum Design
Bachelor of Special Needs EducationDoctor of Philosophy in English LiteratureBlackBoard Super User

Professional information on Lecturers

Sectors: Education, Training, Learning & Development
Career Type: Educator, Teacher, Trainer, Counselor, Supervisor, Lecturer
Person type:  Leader, Motivator, Coach, Trainer, Presenter, Speaker, Debater, Manager
Education levels: Master’s Degree in some cases. Ph.D. preferred.
Salary indication: Between $41,716 and $87,863 per annum
Labor market: Estimated 11% from 2016 – 2026
Organizations: Colleges, Universities, Adult Education Centers

Universoty Lecturer Resume Templates

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